FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

More is always bette r

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My wim is at an all time high right now

Itā€™s over for you bitches


you have 1 vote against you and its from me :sob: is this really that widespread

no srry its over for u

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we can just use the word may more often if that helps.

It may not be about you but it still might help with your problems.

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wait how do you vote in this forum

It do be like that sometimes

i need the little epicmafia guide up top to reference optimal play and further turn off my brain


Wolf dayvig incoming in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1ā€¦

this game feels like a townloss i wish arctic was here


Did you read the last MU mash?

I played terribly.

Likeā€¦okay sure maybe I got to doing one townread that gets me because I am who I am.

But otherwiseā€¦I couldnā€™t hit on a wolfread worth a shit outsideā€¦so yeah.

I sorta wasnā€™t planning on playing but here I am just to have fun and vibe.

I may have things I wanna do but yeah.

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search within yourself

Use the hammer in the reply box, and short hand the name or put the full name in

Joycat attack: Hallia


why do i have to do that all the tkme

i can hold my breath
i can bite my togue I CAN stay awake for days in thats what you want (do u no u dont :()
BE UR #1 i CAN FKAE A SMILE I CAN FROC EA LAUGH I CAN dance and play and play the part that you ask
give u al i am :frowning:

but im only humans atlasā€¦
im only human a

and i crash :cold_sweat:

and i break down :rage:
youreas words inm y head KNIVES IN MY HEART
you build me up and then i fall apart :nauseated_face:

cuz im onyl human :( :frowning: :frowning:

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Missed opportunity

thatā€™s the really weird part. they scumread me and then dipped. its wolves sitting on the fence because theyā€™re scared to push daeron, the notorious lhf that hasnā€™t played in a year
I forgot you voted me