FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

we live and we learn brad.

a woman can only be town if a woman can be mafia.
otherwise they are nothing.

Possibility is important!

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have you played with bys before?


I’m sorry give me like 5 to 10 minutes I need to see something.

am i v


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bys is wolfy af rn tho

none of these things read as particularly ai to me?
the spf push was goodish to me but then you dropped it to omgus (i think) creature

@atlas why you conviniently leave off these posts! outted scum

will you defend me this game, my loved one?

well they’re not very obvious if everyone is ignoring them are they

If you’re incapable of pushing any women in a mafia game, clearly that means you don’t support women’s wrongs, which means you don’t support women.



who tf is bys


i see you liking my posts

you can talk to me directly and i can townclear you


Tuutuu more like woofwoof


You mean it? :pleading_face:

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they tryharded and posted 1400 times in a mash and then got executed as the top-poster like d5

they asked me to not rely on that meta so i poked through their iso for ai posts


i never dropped it…??? thats why i i literally said spf is still mafia after her wagon stopped

also i was following dya nt omgusing he was omgusing me doofus!1