FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

wtf jan its 4 am

@nutella has ur read on me changed at all between our last exchange and now?

you dont wanna know what words we allow ourselves to say here all the time…

its ok i was lying

well if ur town this is one thing i think that u might be right about

It’s a very popular word to say on here and Hazzy theorised that there might be a role tha tinteracts with saying it so I’m banning myeslf from using it even once

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i agree

i am perfectly fine with losing tho


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i think spf is just a wolf tbh

she’s felt off all game and her current focus is on players who would be very easy pushes as a wolf for surface level reasons. It feels misapplied in that she is mainly going after players that are traditionally ITA bait rather than making analysis with any real sort of teeth to it

I Storytell BOTC

I also have played a lot of in-person sdg

I DM way too many TTRPGs

I’ve also been LARPing

Also former esports coach lol

I know games. I’m just new to forum mafia


OHHH a cat…

Cats are towny too here have a townread.

Offers plate

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is zara the boyfirned

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I dropped ice cream on my dress

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i have important info for the thread
don’t kill kiiruma

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oh i agree that ash4fun is town btw

he is open about being new to this community and I think mashes in general.

He just has a more clinical/mechanical approach. Explains everything you re villa reading for nai reasons.

Slot is villa anyway so no need to worry.

It’s the bad dress

I am luka, you are ANT

i am dropping one game to you after I crushed you in 3

spill the tea insomnia u canot hide