FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

First mention of Brad

Swaps to creature after Creature says “How long do we wait until we consider Brad “outed”?” because he didnt like his vote.

Then he votes Brad again 800 posts later out of the blue

Then back to creature.

And then onto gocj 200 posts later.

@Brakuren this is really the only mention of Brad in bystander’s ISO. I would agree it’s slightly weird treatment between Brad and Creature, and would possibly suggest w/w Brad/Bystander. He only makes one post that could be in defence of Brad stating that he isn’t that polarised in his experience. Not sure if that’s a w/w hard defence move?


Suspicious pop-in here, this comment doesn’t mesh well to my eyes. What brought this sentiment on, in particular?

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@spf Cape probably town imo

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Alright, gonna be honest here. I’m a 5p SK, and I have to slaughter all characters who have earned at least one cookie in the entire history of the thread. I have no idea who this is, and meanie Chloe won’t tell me {òmó}


why did u vote eliza here?

Wow in this little case I’m fuckin locking in bys as town

Ty for that

in a few of my past mashes I have been scum, so basically I didn’t have to try as hard LOL

Pretty sure if it is w/w bystander and Brad then Creature could be town off of this?

in the year of our lord ninteen hundred and eighty four, an event occured not unlike this one

The magnus read feels like it is lacking nuance because its a joke read due to the fact that i dont have the brain to read paragraphs atm

Or i didnt but i took a cat nap and feel a little better.

I will let you know if spf or neil do anything to bother me

Well I can give u one, katze has a cookie lol

Not a sure thing but I think Hippopablompoyeetus is >rand W based on what he’s posted so far

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Silence. I’ve seen enough FoL 5p serial killers to last a lifetime, and so has Geyde.

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oh ok i am dumb

But yeah I’m not convinced that Bys is lockwolf off of his interactions with Brad tbh if Brad flips wolf

This actually wolfy, + your opening was kinda lamist

i just looked at his ISO an i agree

now that I can’t just bs reads and screw everyone over I have to actually try

Alright, gonna be honest here. I’m a 5p silksong enjoyer, and I have to learn when silksong releases to win. I have no idea when this is, and meanie Chloe won’t tell me {òmó}