FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

It’s gut largely atm and you’ve made a few posts I nodded my head along with and liked (take that for funny posts )

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Wait why

That would be so cool and good, let’s do it!

didn’t… everyone

you act like wolfclaiming is wolf ai for me

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thats the usertitle u wanted

Tim hortons

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@Millium I was busy with the event so wouldn’t have seen anything sorry

I had a post where I said I think she is =rand but said one weird thing. I think she had a more recent post I liked.

I’m shook atm with the whole creature thing

If I’m wrong you’re locked in but I’m having palpitations

I’m dayvigging everybody who’s ever mentioned Pokemon even tangentially

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him tortons

@Baudib1 You got a read on Jarek?

nothing matters
not to blame

When katze said they had bad news friend when i asked if they were town i felt that truth in my soul

I think you’ll love it. It has rolling, and it has no way to fall off the edge!

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Yes I got the question right. Still go fuck yourselves

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oh no

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Sorry hate to do this but I do gotta

oh? why aren’t you voting him :?