FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

idk its prob sarcasm ngl

From what I’ve heard and seen you’re kinda polarized.

I cant imagine reading through this shit

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That’s my last act for the day.

Night everyone. Hopefully I’ll see y’all sometime tomorrow before the day ends.

im about to go to bed too. i might be here before the EOD, we’ll see

any last questions for me before i go?


But also

Iso’ing me is always self-harm if the game isn’t a serious one.

Just lock me as town and kill me d3 or 4 once you start having get rid of the non-clears is how you deal with me in mashes


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What did Eliza do, that so many people wolfread her?

VOTE: Icetfeelspain

parking my vote on the person who feels like the most obvious wolf before i go

horrifyingly enough ive read several thousand of these posts due to being in thread off and on since like
an hour after day start
that being said ive forgotten just about everything ive read :hmmyes:


Me, playing any regular mash (I am camping thread from the moment I am able)

VOTE: Unvote

Bystander’s tone in every single post she’s made seems starkly different to how it usually is but maybe that’s what posting on discourse vs forums does to ya idk

Maybe it’s the lack of 10 typos in every post

yes, and you are town as well congrats

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ive posted at least once every hour (excluding the hour i was locked away in the events thread), and yet i still have a very reasonable amount of posts
maybe you should aspire to be like me /t

do not do not do not do not do not do not do not do not

VOTE: Marluna




1768 posts yeah nah you’re getting slanker jarek
