FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


I’m being purposefully very vague to the point I’m not even hinting at my person nor have said much at all about my ability. The one thing you can know though is I’m not enigmatic, after all if I was, I don’t even think I’d be able to say this much.

VOTE: KiirumA

i am extremely paranoid kiiruma fix it

Exactly 6 votes as in exactly 6 votes at EoD?

tbf i dont think your ever that open day 1 if your evil. and last time i was paranoid about your ability was snowee’s game so

I don’t see how this is AI honestly

its very IceT

The usual tightrope walk, huh?
I can’t exactly fix anything myself rn.

I already explained how things typically go.
You’re reading fine atm but like D3/4 you and me are gonna get paranoia on each other as usual.

Being able to keep up with the thread right now feels crazy

TIP 1.
DONT READ. just be in the moment

That’s what I already to :joy_cat:

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you said this before and i wanted to question you but i had to go into placement. Why 3/4

then your already winning the game! now all you need is to say buzzwords

For those who don’t really know us.
Me and Hazard are good friends who know each other from outside this community.
I even initially invited him here.

We get paranoia over each other because we both want to be aligned and so it’s an internal conflict of “But what if…”

You’ve played with them before?

What are they like as Town/Mafia?

Eh, it gives time for the paranoia to bubble up. There can be some early on but you need to give things a time to simmer :stuck_out_tongue:

well i thought i could read them but then they fucked me in my last game.

Its harder in a larger game cause i have always found town icet to not “Try as hard” as scum IceT. unless he gets “Leadership” Position in town if that makes sense. He doesnt try hard unless you force him to

in a larger game idk how solid of a mark this would be

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I don’t love that Wind wanted to cast doubt on the merits of having her alignment checked before discrediting the announcement. Admittedly, it’s fairly obviously not sincere either way, but at worst it should be nil beside the risk of accidentally getting executed. Wind just seems actively uncomfortable with her votes, which is atypical given the secret double vote claim.