FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

stick has been majorly lacking, the v read isnt warranted here yet

OH also there’s a decent chance your X and Y is restricted to, like, only positive numbers
in which case you also have to deal with those edges

Oh I’m
Being talk about

Who is jinrou

alr replied to it zzzz

i liked a callout she did and i felt like townreading it

i am the math blaster


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Ok understandable

zug casually helping the neutral threatening to kill

thats why zug is top town

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he values math more than wolf wincon

What do you all think of bystander? I kept seeing mentions of one wolf in brakuren/bystander in other people’s ISOs and I have no idea where that difference check emerged from

insanely villagery

ill take the fact that people dont like my stick read re-assuring that im right on it :hmmyes:


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If manny’s a wolf this list prob contains like 1 wolf MAX

hey u get it :joy_cat:

Jinrou probably namedropped me because I’m disapproving of their claim, for what it’s worth.

no magnus u r just wolfy

you also didnt answer my question before and i am offended