FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1


Of course you’re not mad if you’re wolfing

You are just looking for a pretext to interact


But she’s visibly having him in the back of his mind as someone who she’s not jiving with. If she were villa, she wouldn’t interact with him


i claimed 3p

insom i dont understnad like why u still wolfread me for that like

im not a wolf who can’t generate better content i think like

why would i make fun of smoeone i supposedly dont like (i dnt have a grudge, but from ur pov i do so ill explain from ur perspective) and make them not like me as mafia and want to omgus me and stuff like

why would i bring attnetion to myself in that way thats not even game related like

I’m so good at 3p hunting ???

at hunting a claimed 3p that people call 3p???


I mean he is not reading like a villager and not on your wolfteam. It makes sense.

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We could just wagon jinrou

If that’s hidden somewhere in the 9-thousand posts long thread I did not see it lol

its like my third post

Consider wagon ing the third party

the math blast and math barrier are my special 3p abilities which carry me through this game

I refuse to go get ready for work

OK nerd

Ok insom vote bystander with me

VOTE: Bystander

i can use wagonenomic equations to avoid dying

Have not read ur iso soz

dont test my might

Okay yeah it wasn’t a sheep

Still don’t know if that makes it not W/W though