FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1

hi Porscha

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It’s alright. You’re not weird. You’re Sadbi.

U aren’t even trying lol

nyeh copying my intro is wolfy

Only if you call me cute to. Then i will accept it

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too late. I am lock v now.

i haven’t even played actual mafia that much this won’t end well for me

well yeah this

what is a throne of lies??

There is a non-zero chance that Windward is an evil King, since FAM2 had a good King and FAM3 didn’t have any which permits the hosts to mess with the expected nature of things.

Ruminating. Anyway! @Atlas wanna be my friend?

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Me when porsche with no breaks meets unfinished bridge with no guardrails:



Boob have you randed wolf again :pleading_face:

dead sdg

eliza claimed a passive that is nearly identical in uselessness to her active in fam2, and i have a special tool that’ll help us later
garfooled is trying really hard to fit in and it strikes me as off



Were you serious?

that’s where throne of boomers come from

A very bold statement that feels villagery to me.

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i was hoping we were already friends

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