FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

OK, I’m not going to let go though because I’m actually competitive and it’s not fun for me to play games unless people are vaguely trying to win and not lose.

Like idk I’ll just play this game out and then not come back to the forum if everyone actually just wants to vibe with their besties and not give a shit about winning, but like, I’m going to continue actually trying, you’re not going to convince me to stop trying and just let whatever happens happens

Nah he is actually solving more than any wolf rand in a mash this year

How do i unvote

ur posting lyrics again i love it <3


Player List:

  1. @SirDerpsAlot
  2. @Atlas
  3. @Ash
  4. @May
  5. @nutella
  6. @gori
  7. @dyachei
  8. @Kelsier
  9. @Memekingpizza
  10. @Baudib1
  11. @crazynuto
  12. @Hallia

I have counted ins even if they don’t ping the host but please do so in the future. you 12 can head to the event thread!


Could Lucid_Daydream be the one LHF who is a wolf?


What does this mean if i may ask.

i did it

Tbf the reason im sheeping you is mainly bc im not smart enough for these peeps ergo im leaving my vote to someone who regularly play with them while doing my own reads on the side

good luck in event friends :exploding_head:

ono i cannot plan this one :sob: AGAIN am not home :sob:

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@marluxion can you prove me wrong

that’s mashing babyyyyy owo

have you mashed before owo

if not get used to it owo
if so get used to it still owo tbh

go townies bring home the gold

How do i go to the event thread lol

i get u :pensive:

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