FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

can you really read wagons anyway? I don’t think you really can, like, wolves voting for each other is the classic wolf strategy

I feel like I’m only gonna be able to read wagons if there’s actually a town consensus push and then we can read who’s defecting from the town consensus

I am sure there are like half a dozen counterpoints to both of these in this player list.

I am for sure a prime example of the latter.

then don’t… play games where the optimal strategy is to force people to do things? play some other game like chess idk

i haven’t actively read you, sk says you’re rather im-memorable
checking your iso your actual reads are kingly calling other people’s reads wrong, and otherwise just explaining how mashes actually work

Sounds like a skill issue tbh

self-admission of tunnelling, need to find the original case (probably in other thread)

this is about them wanting to bandwagon brad. I’ll admit I had rather the same sentament, and since they didn’t really push hard for people to do so, it’s just a sentament.

There’s one or two other posts about them, but it all reads to me as getting pinged by one thing and then a deathtunnel

sandwich made my head hurt i think i am dying

there are plenty of other strategies besides playing the most anti fun way lmao

i was also already wolfreading you so like you’re kind of making my point for me


Artemis seems rand off initial skim. @Catbae what did you think was wolfy form her?

And you will look incredibly silly when you inevitably see my town flip :3

Having fun is overrated tho

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No cookie what a scam


Says the person literally asking for more votes out of personal amusement

LMAOOO guilty

why am i getting tagged in every single vc

i think its just because you havent posted here yet

winning is just more fun than anything that a thrower ever describes as “having fun” and that has been my consistent experience in every game I’ve played