FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1


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yeah i know hes not as volume polarized as he used to be but im p sure in the past few FAMs he randed town and posted quite a bit

they vagueposted in cookie thread about being super irl busy or something and probably not able to play FAM at all so i would imagine them playing and being less active is more irl indicative than anything

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spf the public says you are OUTED for having not solved teh game. your take?


I can’t use it.

i could see where catbae is coming from with his

angle if it wasn’t for these 2 posts

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I can read that you’re an obvious wolf because everything you’ve said has been discouraging any kind of effort or coordination and encouraging hero play, throwing and v/v violence

gori’s alignment is exactly =rand

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@Zugzwang Do you want another super like, boss

i will yolo say both marls are villagers

those are her best posts yes

wait are there 2 of them.

am i the only one worried about nutella

I think Cape is town.


(i give you cool thorny ability)

to you,

kat is my chloe this game if chloe was mean to me

This is so sad the hunter has become the huntered


catbae what was your reasoning on w!Artemis again?
I disagree there