FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1


Please don’t encourage her.

need references to ISO

if you asked him he’d tell you he’s the best wolf in the world

he’s not but he’s not shabby

eh it’s a mash good enugh lean town for now ill re-eval once ppl die more

this was villagery af for stick in hindsight

sure or manny

I backread and the case was achro wolf reading them but since everyone was ignoring their existence didnt fight it much

$$\integral x^4\sqrt{1+x^3}\,dx$$

Jinrou is a wolf or has the worst reads in the thread.

thats kinda all i could find

Nah, the 1000 poster experience will be during Anni

eliza’s posts do not read like eliza

they are prob w/w lvl1

ok had a work meeting

anything important while i was gone?

VOTE: Baudib

isnt he claiming 3 p

I honestly thought she was already over that tbh

VOTE: Baudib1

…not really
people switched around wagons