FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Nah. i’d rather be voting Wind. I know for 100% certainty that I’m a villager after all and I can’t say the same for anyone else.


64v15v4 is more likely fyi


has he killed villagers though???

like i don’t even have a read on achro i just think voting achro cuz achro is weird, man

I think I’m between Eliza or manny on my vote

it’s obviously 82v1


we’re not d1ing achro lmao


is Manny this lazy as wolf?

each shot has (dam/curr HP) chance to crit

equivalent to 18% hit chance


As the solo wolf player i agree

This is such a funny fucking post

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whats the deets on manny?

cape became towny

Why is achro ur concern over being voted then like stick who is a strong towny?

Amogus moment

i think manny has been lazy as either alignment

kinda meh here cape owo

zone is underatedly hilarious