FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i dont really have any names im confident about voting rn

i think the game is wolf controlled atm and i think that we’re proly going to miss

so im just protecting the ppl i tr

im voting tutuu bcuz she’s the wolfiest of all the ppl actively being wagoned

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** I wish to join the BotC event, which will take place starting 30 minutes after EoD. I understand that it may take multiple hours.


/out @FamHOST cant do voicechat either, sorry

Recruiting during EOD

Actually being played after eod

/out @FAMHost didn’t see voice

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What even is an atheist game

poe. i’ve barely seen him and what I’ve seen is w/e.

I don’t think this is really AI, mostly he just doesn’t care about the game that much, he can post a ton as both alignments.

actually nvm i dont feel like doing vc botc either i was just gonna do it while playing video games lmao

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I’m so good at formatting but you get the idea
Hopefully I’m home by then

some things are better left unknown

/I wish to join the BotC event, which will take place starting 30 minutes after EoD. I understand that it may take multiple hours @FAMHost

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ur posts are p wolfy tooty :/

Can somebody give the case for achro ans tuutuu

nuh uh

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I gotta unironically bail on friends for this :joy_cat:

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/out @FAMHost
I can’t do vc

tutuu is underperforming town

oh wait i do not have multiple hours /out @FAMHost

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Oh nvm then

Anyway ewwww botc

/I wish to join the BotC event, which will take place starting 30 minutes after EoD. I understand that it may take multiple hours. @FAMHost