FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

EoD when things start to get tense, wolves will often have a tonal disconnect from everyone else (i think i said that right this time)

VOTE: artemis

his posts kinda suck but ehs trying hipe this hekspls

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didn’t you just vote achro wtf

I think it’s cute that katze is scared of my wolfgame but doesn’t understand it. villagery tho

Your gut is wrong!!


VOTE: artemis

like theres definitely a chance i am completely wilding right now but tutuu is like 10x wolfier in the past 20 minutes than achro will ever be as any alignment on d1

hate this

artemis is town

the reason is it’s funny and also part of me believes it but i dont want him to die actually and i think the wagon being top for a while means wolves are laughing and also the tutuu stuff is skeeving me out soooooo yeah we arent actually killing achro

artemis town imo.

can someone give me a quick rundown of why we are voting crazynuto and achromatic?

i think he’s had a string of very good posts, and i agree with a lot of his townreads
his pushes are ~eh to me

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D1 lynching someone for “not being obv town” just because they are cracked at the game is bullshit, that’s boring for all involved


If Achro flips town, yeet this into the sun for this.




Part of me wants to vote the neutral for fun

lets vote the neutral for fun
