FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Didnt we have one of this last FAM

makes sense

still townreading more people on tuutuu wagon than on achro
got no read on either personally meh

wait what

squints angrily

Legacy uhhhh

Listen to hallia she gets talked over but is very good. Katze is probably lock town i kind of have a great read there. Spf probably town too. Kiiruma worst vote of all time tbh. Tutuu you will take care of yourself. Leafia prob wolfing lol


idk seems like just the more blunt version of what i was thinking for the few minutes i wanted to vote achro

also kii claimed they can prove their mech or somthing idk i dont really see them as wolfy

i just dont think we should kill achro but idk


I feel most of manny push is being driven by 2 things

his posts being few and sorta w/e, which isn’t ai bc he can spamposts as both alignments.

him unvoting winds. this is mechanically a fuck up but he did it with 30 minutse to spare. who cares

I should’ve included ash4fun ig.

in my head it makes sense

i take back what i said about catbae ftr i think he’s probably town

i just think he’s cringe and has no idea how to read me even tho we just wolfed together


I still think elimming Achro is the funniest result for this day

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oh are you a doppel thats so boring

I feel like the whole push on Achro that hinges on the fact that they’re not leading town is like. Not strong enough to warrant pushing who is considered to be one of the best players on the site to top wagon on D1 in an 81~ player mash


This is the one specific thing I have a problem with, yeah
Other than that I wouldn’t be going after him

The Shot List by Me (Gocj)

  • Manny
  • Ash4fun
  • Crazynut
  • TBA

I mean like…I’m trying? There’s a lot going on! I wanted to wait until I got the chance to use my ability and see what comes of it, then I can like…build logic off of facts? But there’s not much to go on. But ah I shouldn’t let myself get salty, I still have tonight to do things :+1:


I’ll accept the lefia achro diffcheck.

im out of wolfrange by virtue of having less than 800 posts.

I have a different reason! Idk about the rest of you