FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

u really think this is what i would play like as mafia strongman lol?

cheese and rice

You are not the first to think you have a good reason to vote me

I forgive you

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Wait i was flavor???

I’m still waiting to hear who is the claimed 3p and who is following them

This post and its 7 likes makes me wanna do it more

tf when did I get famous

How did he die

I’ll check the eph vote later.

I think tris vote is bad but also w/e.

I’ve already talked about nutella but the tldr is that she has taken some angles and postures that i don’t think she takes as a wolf.

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oh okay


Allow me to help you with this :joy: :ok_hand:

My case on him is that wolfreading me for not saying I want to die in the first two hours of the game is just dumb and he knows better

oh so they just stole icet’s role ok

this is also true

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15 mins before eod is crazy lmao

absolute fiends

Who tf killed Icet here???

what the fuck someone tldr me