FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

you have no idea how long i spent trying to make this
this ending is so hard to find without subs in a random language :skull:

Brakuren should probably get put out of his misery tomorrow

How will you shoot me before i consume the results and take them to the grave huh?

You know I don’t respond well to pressure regardless of alignment.

Hmm welp shit wolves have a lot of incentive to be voting WindwardAway if WindwardAway is a wolf

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haven’t you heard of our curse?
we have to post in rhyme
i mean it could always get worse
beyond being a waste of our time!


with a gun


is creature asking multiple times what the current thread state is to see what town wants to do his meta? this is typically a wolftell


hehe has also felt towny to me but I don’t have any substantive reason that I can explain for that

@Stick sup


Lol is town atp because he isod Kat and idt wolf him ever puts in that effort w evidence


I have a bulletproof vest (litcherally)



I put more effort as wolf lol