FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Skill issue

I think he’s town because his perspectives seem a lot more fluid than I would expect from him as a wolf. He isn’t trying to push thread in any specific direction, he’s just looking at whatever grabs his attention at the moment.

i think v

yes but do you have any actual reads in your bubble

The bubbles return

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achro was voting you for a while

The vote is between jinrou/manny/italy now, finrir had a moment and voted wind and tutuu step down from the vote

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Ah. That explains why I’m a ghost now.


Fam 2 & 3

im about to go get some coffee but ill answer thisi n like 20 minutes

I think i didnt miss anything

ok bet

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coffee tell? spf outed? omg!

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coffee tell itc

I’m on a math break

i was town in fam2