FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Derps voted Tutuu

real wolfy post porscha

we both know you have not read a single post i made

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locked into this for mech

i mean i guess? like yes the level 1 is to just hope youre town and weā€™re right about stuff and can team up in thread and i should prob do that but i just have the paranoia and your stuff about me/spf seemed kinda shallow/potentially agendaed

Absolutely not

Weā€™re doing an indirect cop check of some sort

VOTE: Tutuu

that is also untrue youā€™ve been in thread numerous times while I have

Derp dies ok

AND I was kind enough to read some of your posts

i have you as ā€œwith slight doubtā€ if it helps


an_gorta always feels like lhf to me

despite teh burden of having to do so

can someone put stick on 7 so windward isinā€™t RNGed

Iā€™m still in partial meme mode Iā€™ve made my reads but yeah.

Thereā€™s part of me that cares about the game because Iā€™m in it and certain people want me to try but other thatā€™s just doing what I want to do that makes me enjoy the game.

Treeman moment

real and true

I donā€™t think the push is weird, but I think voting in such a disengaged way like that is what is making me feel hesitant.

VOTE: baudib

wow you really know how to pocket me

Heā€™s insomnia