FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

@Stick I think I should clarify that Yawn was vanity wagoning you, I looked into you and thought you were wolfy, made a post about it, and then a bunch of people hopped on and i got cold feet eventually

sadbi is almost always just town

Good at mafia

Why does this thread like never explain reads

I have seen multiple people asking (And asked myself) for explanations on wagons and it falls on deaf ears

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ok ephemera is town

why owo

Do you know the number of the post?


VOTE: Manny

I will take the opportunity to ball on slanking Manny

FoL moment

Post #6969

has anyone flipped that contradicted his reads lmao owo

this is significantly worse than average FoL

Only wolves and noobs explain reads

Why did i reply to that

I’ve hated most of their posts and I would’ve expected a vote from them by now.

she legit said she used him to get in the game though

so what are you basing this off of? lol

Why did you ask if you’re just going to write off other people’s arguments because “actually I know more than you”.

people have flipped???

would absolutely vote manny though owo

VOTE: manny