FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

It’s supposed to be sort by post count become werewolf expert smh

I don’t think I’ve seen a single reason that Achro is a wolf, only “but why is he town”.

its so impossible to say lol

this is uncharacteristically aggressive of katze who is probably mafia with achro and desperate to keep him alive

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Yeh im keeping gmy vote on self not sure about any of these wagons and i cant check since i dont have time

oh my b

VOTE: crazynuto

Real and true

i mean if i had my druthers i’d be wagoning her

but millers are the same shit, why put in a miller then


this is all so desperate

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but you don’t; pick your battles, who else if not her.

when did fucking achro become a wagon


@Gocj I’ll check when my computwr starts up

@catbae remember your read on Jarek and vote them with me :flushed:

and who’s achro again

Uh ftr I won’t be here until deadline I’m just popping in to check thread state

I’m ~ok with how my wagon looks, as compared to earlier

But curious why there weren’t votes on achro before I voted and now he’s top wagon? Lol

oh nyo

truly baffled at how consistently you are calling basic mafia strategy 101 as being powerwolfy/scummy