FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

oh no

I have a read that youā€™re a wolf. I donā€™t think this is even my hostile tone, this is just, youā€™re a wolf and I would like you to please remove your vote because Iā€™m trying to help coordinate town.



ā€¦ you know what, i think that maybe
just maybe
my feelings of overwhelming fatigue and my desire to do absolutely nothing, in thread nor out, might be an indication that i am tired and should go to sleep
in the case that i miss eod, this may be your last chance to interact with Ashlyn for a whole year!
speak now (like, in the next two minutes) or forever hold your peace

I will not be moving my vote.

End of story, thanks.

Just tone and vibes and how she is treating people feels like sheā€™s trying to pocket and placate people on her.

Something is just very off with her posting.

Also sheā€™s fighting too hard to be voted on which for town her she does not fight much abiut being voted


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i have a feeling katze superliked my post about joycats

Does somenody have an i feel statement? (Class of 09 reference)

Ok but seriously tho this feels like a lame excuse

yeah ik you donā€™t believe me from your last reply, w/e

you wanna take my spot?

happy birthday


When will I be superliked :pleading_face:

iā€™m ash4fun not greninja ash
i thought you two were the same person

creature why in the world are you wolf reading bys?

Ur superlikeable so

can I super dislike a post?

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i thought you said you didnt do those late
or is that an early one considering itā€™s now less than 4 months away

a lot of these are pretty easy/surface-level pushes from Stick, thereā€™s not a lot of substance to the reads either and I think Marluna in particular is an easy misyeet who is currently towntelling so I donā€™t really buy the stuff from stick here as hunting for wolves

letā€™s stick Stick, IMO

when ur mom enters thread