FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

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Could SirDerpsALot be the one wolf joining events and stealing alignment checks?

You didn’t see that


Who r they i havent seen them post with me ngl

And at that moment the game stops being a game, and becomes screaming at each other…
If FM ever degrades to forcing everyone on one person

  1. It’s not fun, I will stop playing FM alltogether.
  2. Mafia will always have more coorsinated voting, so they probably have more weight in the voting.
  3. You basically will lose the ability to read wagons. (Which in the longterm is less beneficial than threataning people always voting on the same person.)

nope, not really?

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I am reading. I’m reading wazza as wolfy. No actual townsfolk immediately gets defensive and starts ATE like that, no actual townsfolk is going to be that stubborn and play blatantly on zero logic

call my read wrong if you want, but I am reading

Lunch Stick over SPF. Stick is probably actually > rand to flip wolf.

May is less trying to get you to not be competitive, and more trying to get you to understand that what you want is literally nigh-on impossible and counterproductive in a more social game like mafia.

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are you trying to imply i havent been semi-proactive this game
if you are, you’re wrong

I wish this was something you could stop doing.
But some curses are meant to be.

this is how you kill town

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some people just dont like being forced to do things

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No. He’s town

can you really read wagons anyway? I don’t think you really can, like, wolves voting for each other is the classic wolf strategy

I feel like I’m only gonna be able to read wagons if there’s actually a town consensus push and then we can read who’s defecting from the town consensus

I am sure there are like half a dozen counterpoints to both of these in this player list.

I am for sure a prime example of the latter.

then don’t… play games where the optimal strategy is to force people to do things? play some other game like chess idk

i haven’t actively read you, sk says you’re rather im-memorable
checking your iso your actual reads are kingly calling other people’s reads wrong, and otherwise just explaining how mashes actually work

Sounds like a skill issue tbh