FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Theres a mix of fluff and actual reads in my posts

Yes mera we are in this for fun lol

I think silviu is slightly >rand w based on his content so far

the ones i’ve seen have been lolcatting

But also yeah

I did say earlier that what Firinn needed was like a precursor botc game and then a precursor normal mafia game before finally mashing

Threataning other to vote the way you want is more dick move in my opinion.

Ita fodder go brrr

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yeah p much, i’m just commenting on everyone

meme is a good kill today

i think if silviu doesnt get better and… show up he’s w, mhm
i think leafia is v for not showing up


Is trolling AI or. Player indicative

What, so I can learn how to let go and not give a shit about losing?

I still think I’m correct about the optimal way to play, yall just are openly advocating for throwing which makes you wolves


he’s really new and usually obvtowns

@Hallia i know meme from outside of fol and agree he’s probably wolfing here
good catch :+1:

I have a pocket wolfrrad of Sabi (at least if like SPF is town) actually but I don’t feel like pushing today I’d rather let them do their thing bc it’s helpful if they are town.

throwing requires intent

Ayyy ty! <3

leafia is eating i don’t think it’s AI
