FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

It’s def not this guy

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I felt kiiruna was s bit wolfy for some post on last thread but can’t remember which so just posting so I don’t forget

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i didnt notice until you pointed it out

Then please find a wagon you actually like.

Not trying to pocket you.

Cringe post -2

Can we wagon to ash4fun for the funsies (i actually kinda wolf read them when talking but i have to iso it to see what it was)

is this town for not being informed of the reason people are voting windward or no

hmm ok thsi is how i feel abt insomnya lol

how wacketh is this

Feel like its NAI


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Ok wazza is town shit

Woah it is, good catch.

Somebody already got town cred for doing it once. I don’t think it’s as towny for it to happen again.

kiiruma is claiming some beneficial mech if they get super likes i think? they seem kinda stilted but i want to believe them tbh

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i don’t think so tbh a wolf would be informed because they would have spoken about it some in their chat i think

could be unaware but feels less likely

I disagree completely

It feels like ash just looked at the Wind wagon and made up a reason to vote them