FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1



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Ok wazza is town shit

Woah it is, good catch.

Somebody already got town cred for doing it once. I don’t think it’s as towny for it to happen again.

kiiruma is claiming some beneficial mech if they get super likes i think? they seem kinda stilted but i want to believe them tbh

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i don’t think so tbh a wolf would be informed because they would have spoken about it some in their chat i think

could be unaware but feels less likely

I disagree completely

It feels like ash just looked at the Wind wagon and made up a reason to vote them

Anyone disagree?

I townread every Ash to varying degrees

I think the miller claim from ash4fun is >rand town and she is trying to solve the game

Ashlyn I think has a very towny thought process in her reads (esp. the way she talks about May)

Ash is the weakest because it is pure gut/vibe on him but he reminds me of how he played when I was scum against him, and he was an easy push for us in this game, so I am suspicious of people calling him scummy

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Its more so it comes as either distracted town or like wolf pretending, pretty NAI imo

I get benefits if I’m super liked too.

And by benefits I mean.

It’d make me happy.

I stg if anyone wants to ita him D2 is dead to me

do they go by lol in the thread?

You gotta realise there’s probably like 13 wolves or something

wolf chat would be popping off the same as the thread, if ash wasn’t in the thread at the time, ash won’t be in the wolfchat at the time either.


i see your point i guess but i think in a game filled with townies and a ton of noise it being lost is not as unlikely as in a smaller game

Someone unvote Wind now.


Its ok the world is saved

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I’m bot voting you anymore!!!

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