FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

its lappdumb

italy is >rand wolf because he is immune to randing town

id say in terms of volume he is actually probably >rand wolf though yes


i have never seen italy v that i remember

@SirDerpsAlot give me a read that you’re relatively confident in

then keep voting him off until he decides to not be difficult?

No, you aren read them based on mechanic, you are reading them on an assumed mechanic…

Also most post and mod-limits are usually paired with the you aren’t allowed talk about it publicly (or something bad happens), so it is not a big wonder he won’t talk about, if he has the rhyming as a mechanic…


feel free
but state that as your reasoning

ita’s exist for a reason

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wolfy, prob dies in ITAs

I mean I’m not super confident in anything and haven’t really been trying to make any reads

mmmm. i don’t really think that a w!stick is highly likely to be the top wagon on a d1, and think more likely she’s going to be a village misread, but also based on what i know of her she’s been wanting a w!mash game and don’t think she’d… be so absent as wolf here? unsure. she’s been more recently miselimed in games including a game i hosted on FR which is why i’m hesitant there; especially given site culture dynamics at play.

Only in his dreams

hello! here now!

They self voted

make sure to sleep during this rest period.

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thoughts on stick:

kinda wolfy

got easily trd by manny tho which i disagreed with

might be a bad wolf pr

iif villager manny is tmiing i think

I can barley keep up with thread while I’m in it I can’t process anything

@ash4fun who’s outed warewolf in your opinion

fol has an aura that turns MU players into slankers regardless of alignment

Anyway votes on Italy if a lot of people think he’s rand w :pleading_face:

:heart: thanks yeah I’ll fix my sleep schedule