FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i still stand firm that gori’s probably town but they’re likely to die in ITA’s stray vigs anyways so i don’t know if it’s worth it getting worked up abt it

Nuh uh

Why are you considering that Silviu might have IRL things going on, but not Ice or Frost?

i am clearing silverkeith for today

i saw posts which make me think he is a villager

IIRC he was inactive early in FAM3 as well but then stepped it up but yeah i would say he concerning currently and would keep an eye on him.

(It only works, if they have at least 2 posts in the thread.)

it isnt idt

zara do u have any sheepable reads i can sheep

How so?

Was hoping it was automated, but I suppose it’s still fairly fast.

can you elaborate on all of these?

i have both art and leafia as town and leafia is my strongest town

gm everyone voting for me is cringe


let me grab my reads list

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Who wants a super like

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yeah i know hes not as volume polarized as he used to be but im p sure in the past few FAMs he randed town and posted quite a bit

they vagueposted in cookie thread about being super irl busy or something and probably not able to play FAM at all so i would imagine them playing and being less active is more irl indicative than anything

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spf the public says you are OUTED for having not solved teh game. your take?


I can’t use it.