FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

catbae what was your reasoning on w!Artemis again?
I disagree there


i’ve not been paying attention to her much but i’ll listen to what you want to sell. bonus points if you preflipping me t while you do so

marluna and marluxion

the former is much quieter than the latter

i think both have been villagery in their own ways

does this mean you’re pocketing me

Well, I am usually not referred as Marl, but here I am…

Votes aren’t good

im just cuter

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this feels like a lie tbh

she’s way more confident than I’ve seen her as a villager - like not the confidence necessarily but the unchanging reads

OH. hi , sure yeah you can be a villager (i have no opinions on your alignment)


Then why did you say confidence lol

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katze is definitely trying to solve the game proactively and come off as towny - very eyebrow raising for her to deny that

mmmmm. last time i remember seeing nut was nightmare mash which was. quite a while ago and you had tmi there. can you pop up some posts to show for what u mean?

@Marluna can you say something townie really quick for me

I get the hero play, that’s (somewhat) true

The throwing is your own inability to understand the difference between proper mash coordination (organizing shots lists and collating information) and herding cats (trying to get specific people to do things and vote for specific wagons)

What the fuck do you mean by encouraging v/v violence though

its not

unless you specifically think i am intentionally playing differently/lazily to get meta townread… in which case this is also not intentionally true but it is also happening

anyway is there anything important i missed in recent hours