FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

not going to lie, I don’t remember anyones alignment from any of the past FAM games

VOTE: spf

Unfortunately, yes

its ok queen i’m drinking coffee rn dont let the haters get you down

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why is ash town

I will probably do the same when I actually focus on this game.

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i am not pivoting off manny here

but i will take his team down too

which ash

Looks like Stck/Manny/Eliza/Tutuu/Italy now.

I thought he wolfy that game

I stopped drinking coffee forever jic i slipped and said i was drinking it in a mafia game. Couldnt risk it.

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No i didn’t 7 size font my arm… it’s actually that large.

Stick is being less ralkes about hende why i didnt add them

sabi, your threadpull is soooo bad

We are all the same person on different alt accounts.

Look at my interaction with Ash on first thread

haze tell

Imagine drinking coffee

VOTE: Manny

voting this mainly because I don’t like the idea of windard at top wagon when we want them alive

no u