FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Absolutely not

Only spam

I’m gonna assume 17 mafia, 3 neutrals.

20/83 players being non-town makes sense, 21 feels too high slightly which is probably insignificant of a detail to point out in a massive game like this lol

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70 vs 13 Ashlyn.
That’s a more than a 5:1 ratio of town:non-town
Townplay is… fine. Not the best, but not that bad

I see. Good enough for a townlean at least.


I missed all the claims…

They are all better than mine, which just turns into actions into items… and only at N2…

I don’t see how this can be useful, expect confirming that I have this ability…

Claiming d1 cringe

joy for me is makings readslists because I am a huge nerd

btw people on the Wind wagon be prepared to die tonight

I have no confidence in many of us surviving :joy_cat:

I think that’s a reasonable thought.
I think it’s more likely near the mid of the brackets I said there too.
20/21 is the mid xD

Roses are red and my balls feel itchy
I am in the docks and i couldnt take a shower since sunday
Violets are blue and so is the sky
I cant think of the final line

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Find a better joy

oh hang on, I can iso myself to get all the readslist I missed yesterday evening, I will update summary soon with more readslists

it’s scots gaelic but ok?

every name and read in this game has sluiced off the smooth planes of my brain i feel so blissfully unaware

Firinn probably town for putting in the work to keep information existent

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kana seems fine idk what ur on about

I gotta go eat dinner

Also Wazza I don’t think Wolves would kill any of these people
Because they don’t know which one of them will get the check and they’re not strong town so not a priority target

i’ll be honest here i don’t need mechanics to tell you windy is a villager