FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Fear probably

yooooooooo long time no see

OK I actually have to dip because work.

Wagon me ig

Paranoia mostly

Maybe some funny

Because of anticlaim not working as intended?

if achro is V ash4fun is w

so difference check between achro/ash4fun probably

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See yall d2or in graveyard

i dont really know why you’d consider yourself a miller if you only have a single PT with yourself but i also kiiiiinda wanna believe it anyway

For you it does smh



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day 1 anti claim??

Hi im back briefly why do i havr 20 pings from the votebot

VOTE: ash4fun

does this mean why or yes?

Manny would have felt more useful as a wolf.


I mean not on a website lmao, maybe on discord

Today feels like we’re getting, as they say, lost in the sauce.