FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

Bussing vote ong

IDK if I can take strategy advice from people who could, frankly, be wolves trying to throw me off. I’m going to go with what I know, which is that actually talking about shit and making decisions as a group is an excellent way to trap/force wolves into doing things that are detrimental to wolfgoals

May what the fuck
That comment hit like a truck


this is a strange reply but Have Fun

So who is going to vote for wind

I’m not really sold on this.
Especially the part concerning me.
I know my playstyle, Stick doesn’t. (At least I don’t remember playing with them beforehand.)
For a new person, my D1 obviously will look bland.

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Firinn can you iso me

ik this is potentially not a choice for you this game but if nothing else don’t quote the person who’s upset by the rhyming

ok i will get off my soapbox now

Ya but would wolf u say that, my assumption is no regardless of what u believe, so town


I keep reading Brakuren’s posts thinking it’s catbae

Tbf im on board to an ash wagon but stick seems to be thr target for noe + im tied to may

it’s in my iso but

iirc it was when wwa was announced on vote-reflexive cop and hehe420 immediately voted them. With only 1 other post.

I see theyve been postong more since then, but I havent seen anything substantive

Someone else can make the list of people who are voting Wind if you think there’s someone more widely consensus townread than me.

But right now you are purely arguing from ATE.

The entire reason I voted Wind in the first place was because I wanted the peek, obviously. I can’t sit here and pretend I’m going to vote anyone else today, I almost never vote D1 in any games, you can go back in my history.

This is the most useful thing I can do, either receive the peek or contribute to us receiving it as a faction.

Regardless, I can almost confidently say that the person who receives the peek will be killed tomorrow, and I can also say that the peek will probably be a bad omen for Wind.

you genuinely just don’t get it do you lol


ash is more of a shoot than vote slot imo

Well I hope you have a rad as hell day

I do