FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

your wagon probably says no

why did you want me to iso you? i don’t think i got much from it

idek wgats going on i woke up 3 minutes ago

do people have a problem with wazza not moving I thought people were ok with this

What’s happening here?

Hi single person.

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Want to know what you think of me

insulting :(

Why are you an alignment and why aren’t more people pushing you if you’re town?

i am

Its v on v violence

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God, that’s a mood

Except for me it’s “God home from work about 45 minutes ago and now Firinn and Wazza are fighting”

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wazza stays on wind because they are a badass not because they are some kind of gay icon


… is this
something that has to be said?
I’m town
like. duh!

I don’t care about your history. You can vote for any of the people who are widely wolfread. But the most useful thing you can do is to get OFF the wind wagon so we can actually coordinate the peek being received by someone who is trusted enough that anyone cares when it’s shared

I think we should flashwagon Eliza, it would be funny


(I meant that you are only one, it was not intended toward your relationship, I am sorry, if it wasn’t clear.)

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me when not getting pushed for once is apparently a reason to push me (???)

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firinn being villagery again i see