FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

VOTE: Stick

Garbage time stats.

But consider

Helia likely can lay that down i think

Why did you go eat lunch right at the moment I asked you a question
That’s so mean of you :ghoststab:

I really really am LOL.

Do we know that the cookies even do anything?

It very much is by now.

The fact that people jump on it makes it strictly worse.
Was a top tier vanity vote.

something something yae miko keychain picture

Might need to enunciate more.

yeah this is why insom is the real wolf


my god

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i agree

it is a little bit but i think her pushes have been wolfy and i don’t feel like chopping someone who is realistically ITA fodder

like idfk i really want to just dayvig spf but i can’t have nice things

Wtf was the question gunna do? How was Eliza suppose to answer it? The thread game u opinions, me, Eliza, and marl, all gave thoughts there, and then u freakout. Fine, sort lhf, but that wasn’t sorting, that was a very ambitious question that IDK how Eliza was supposed to answer, and actually says nothing

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Whatever I give up.

Everything I fucking do gets viewed in worst way possible when I have figured out a way for town to win mashes.


alts list FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2875 by Atlas

artemis: claims future miller FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #127 by Artemis
ash claims some variant of miller FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #218 by ash4fun
me (firinn): claims i can shoot people more often for less damage
kelsier claims similar FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1 - #367 by Kelsier
kiiruma claims something confirmable with likes FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3381 by catbae & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #8379 by Kiiruma & FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1 - #238 by Kiiruma
ranta claims a doctor that gives buffs but can only target people who super liked their posts
sirderpsalot hard claims neut FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2239 by Atlas and that they want superlikes FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2415 by SirDerpsAlot
windward is king which means they have double vote FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2111 by WindwardAway
Atlas said to include this in the sumary FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #5077 by Atlas and claims that superlikes buff atlas FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #37 by Atlas
jane claims no benefit from superlikes but benefit from something else FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1 - #204 by Jane
hazard possibly softing something involving catnoises FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #403 by Hazardwaste
jinrou claims 3rd party who predicts gameend FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #4427 by Jinrou

event announcements: FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #351 by FAMHost & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #354 by FAMHost
people are given cookies for thousands FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #1037 by FAMHost and one where apocryphal got one FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3002 by FAMHost - do not make posts at this mark unless ur widely townread FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3168 by firinn
the Joycat Nomads have gained the advantage FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #1852 by FAMHost
super likes announcement FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2704 by FAMHost & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3527 by FAMHost
skribblio participants FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3084 by FAMHost winners were FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3356 by Ashlyn
If windwardaway has votes from exactly 6 players at end of day they get their alignment revealed FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6056 by FAMHost
guild flag voting FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #8289 by FAMHost

do not make post number 7000 unless you are CONSENSUS TOWN.
frostwolf posted some PoE Sectors FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #645 by Frostwolf103
we need 6 people who are CONSENSUS TOWNREAD to vote for windward away and NOBODY ELSE. if you are on the list and do not vote wwa, or not on the list and vote wwa, you are openly wolf and will be shot until dead. (list not made yet but everyone currently voting wwa NEEDS TO UNVOTE)

people speaking in rhyme, probably for some sort of mechanical buff: brakuren FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #26 by Brakuren yawn FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #32 by Yawn FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #774 by Yawn crazynuto FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #1249 by crazynuto selkie FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1 - #63 by Selkie (ill add more as i find more)
tutuu might have some kind of mech that happens when she makes 50 posts since she is counting. eg. FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2433 by tutuu

spf list of townreads: FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #1788 by spf & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3277 by spf & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6189 by spf & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6397 by spf
sadbi reads: FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2158 by Sadbi and claims to shield these people FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1 - #321 by Sadbi
hallia reads (garden is village weeds is scum): FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2358 by Hallia updated FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6429 by Hallia
katze reads: FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2483 by katze
tutuu reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #2973 by tutuu
atlas reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3923 by Atlas
windwardaway reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #3855 by WindwardAway
manny reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6339 by Manny & FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #8622 by Manny
firinn reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #6517 by firinn
ari reads FAM4: Thread 1 - Day 1 - #7917 by Ari
brad reads https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-1-day-1/8508/7222
catbae reads https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-1-day-1/8508/7902?u=firinn
luxy reads https://www.fortressoflies.com/t/fam4-thread-1-day-1/8508/7829?u=firinn
bradland wildly suspected by many people (unsure which post to link)

tell me if stuff is missing and ill add if i vaguely trust you, ill add other people’s reads list if they look vaguely like effortposts


also now there’s a stick flashwagon?

I don’t remember anything about them

i dont think anyone is viewing you in the worst light possible
nor do i think there is any particular AI reason why eliza isnt the d1 wagon
it literally just boils down to the fact that they are so many people and posts in the game that doing not a lot isnt going to warrant as much attention as it does in a normal sized game