FAM4: Thread 2 - Day 1

i think thats just a given
is it particularly scum ai for stick?

gocj seems like a newbie town who is comfy vibing in thread and free flow reacting to stuff

i have yet to see an explanation of the push on them aside from “they didnt like brad”

I don’t, not me personally, but the town consensus can

See the thing is that town are stubborn and dumb and make mistakes and such all the fuckin time, and people will resist good plans. You will shoot a lot of town this way. You will be led off a cliff this way.

One of the easiest ways to get kills as wolf in a mash is to first leverage town energy to kill messy villagers, and then when those people flip town, push to kill the villagers who “led the push”. I have done it before! Bad plans are constantly being pushed by villagers and you just gotta bring them to the forefront of everybody’s minds in a subtle way that people won’t pick up on. Mid-activity power sheeping. It is so easy to go unnoticed.

You are making this game out to be way easier than it is in a way that’s convenient for the strategies and worldviews you want to push. You can focus on the mechanical aspects of the game, that’s fine, but don’t try to flatten out the social ones because they’re not what you personally prefer to do. You have to work with people.

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Which one?

If Yawn is Jan I guess someone should be able to read them by now

@katze sucks :speaking_head:

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What do you think my wolf meta is?

(Obviously I’m going to say yes I am, but nya)


things feel like they’re getting a little heated so like…lets calm it down

gocj might be town but everytime they compliment y vote on them i want to vote them more

ive barely noticed marl in thread which makes me think hes more likely town lol idk

The fact Hallia has been opposite me with almost every read feels weird

Not you. Marluxion

i knew it

Btw im not like new so

I’ll be back a few hours before EoD, but I need to study as well

I would say you wouldn’t post that much as a wolf

this is uncharitable view of what hallia is actually saying

they are

and yes they’re town