FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2


The top 3 posters in the The AGENDA are Gocj, firinn/Zone, and ElizaThePsycho!


i was going to blame you for not being able to find it but i literally knew what i had said and it took me forever to find it too, i was starting to think i had dreamt of the interaction and it never actually happened

Catbae was TR all the Ashes iirc. I’ll just roll with that for now and blame him if wrong. :curtain:


katsay whats ur confidence % on brad wolf?

I did that.

They are wolf.

They are ateing like tutuu



Do I get a prize? :grin:

I never tr you d1

where ate?

yup i gotcha
i thought the posting was iffy but i can understand why you mightve thought that (i don’t necessarily believe it myself)

do you have a changed read or is it the same

wait WHAT
i’m being outposted by ELIZA?


AtE is not entirely wolf indicative

if i find a readlist from u with me as town will that mean anything to u? :joy_cat:
because i know it exists

It’s specifically me who has issues with it, IDK of anybody else who did. It’s a mental illness thing. Reading things with, like… information conveyed through restricted patterns makes the posts repeat in my head over and over again and ot me compulsively start reflecting those patterns in my own thoughts and it’s frustrating and drives me crazy



TY for the town read