FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

provide reasoning go

Sorry not sorry


That is literally just what Sabi is like

har har, you mom

towniest post you’ve made but also quite literally how

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This thread is hurting my brain

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Daeron, Wazza, Apocryphal, Dum, Leafia, Jane

I think only

haven’t claimed to get nothing.


I’m sitting here confused on why aganda is so important i aint got one of those bitches

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Sheep Stick she’s goated.

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Why did i get pingged witth the top 3 posters of a guild

Can we kill Sadbi and Italy


they linked your post
i assumed you did it, mkp claimed otherwise

the agenda is a guild

How’s that towny lol

I’m fine just following Hallia does Hallia have a shotlist

No Sadbi is like ultra towny wtf

apo has been in thread, she’d have said something id assume

I was the first one to claim to not get anything smh

Just check my posts before spreading false information