FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

I don’t think katze has played with me in more than a year


actually i think i missed him

achros a villa he shoulda been in my towns

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Ok done

Not one of the three, necessarily. The three are your top three townreads of the PoE. You’re supposed to tag your top townread in general.

towny owo

but also it’s just cuz i like sk owo

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marl did you answer my questions

they didn’t remove me then tagged me

@Artemis I’m working on a response to your Garfooled thing

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cum guardian!

but tagging katze is like. kinda counterintuitive lmao owo

Ok I’m just saying I’m not shooting you lol I have like 40 ppl in my Poe

Consider it a compliment towards your wolfgame

See I said it was likely fake lol
But the fact that there’s an identical claim on you today is kinda contrary

i neither have day actions nor do superlikes do anything for me


Got it thank you

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see i thought i was in your townreads
apparently, i was not. im devastated, my loved one… what the fuck?

It’s still a read of all time (derogatory)

eliza/kana/zug (not a townread but quite literally was a 3p for 99.9% of d1)

polarized noob


no dont ever talk to me again what

i am a human papercutter
i can deal small increments of damage and that’s pretty much it

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