FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

ok so i’m basically very slightly better from vanilla town, assuming perfect actions
very slightly worse than vanilla town if my targets are bad


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ok owo

Ha! thinking people are reading.

Sadbi V
Insomnia probably V
Ephemera V?

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Why did you shank Artemis though

wow, pandora’s thread 2 d1 iso is really weak

is he rem?

vibe with yawn owo

I’ve never played with either before but gut tells me meuh is town and tris is scum
I had those reads before you mentioned the w/v possibility here


Reading is overrated


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not rem

Sk is not V


because i saw a lot of people suspecting them yesterday
there’s no point heroing my action on someone like katze in a setup with damage based itas

VOTE: pandora

lets get it owo

is she an foler? give read?

its damage based with a chance of instakill right? so like mostly damage based

yeah i think it pans out that way i am just loathe to actually push or wolfread tris because i am very grateful she’s playing in this mash and want her to have fun :3 so instead im chalking it up to both being new to these games

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i’m basically “pick someone who i think is going to be ITAd” and use my ability on them for max efficiency
i might add up to one more total ita death over the course of the game assuming i live long

yeah. serial killers are third party