FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

they were giras top tr they shouldn’t be wagoned.

yesterday brakuren switched from couplets to abab rhyming to abcb rhyming freely and it was so annoying have respect for poetic form man


me do you like it

…can you post this inthread?

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Me and frost both town and both dying to itas from town d3 take this to bank and cash in for hard money

It is foreseen

he was wolfreading you tho

i just checked (the horror! effort!)

“what’s the case on stick”, voted stick soon after, super soft tutuu defense, voted achro

if i am coldhearted this doesnt inspire confidence whatsoever but also i didnt even vote eod so im not gonna be the one to throw down over it

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No not allowed to

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I somehow top 3’d sheep despite skipping one of the questions :wowee:

Let me find it (grumble grumble because I don’t like searching for stuff on this site)

ok. and?

not gonna lie it sounds kinda towny to me owo

“oh no this guy wolfreading is me is dead” owo

almost no wolf says that owo

…does it mean anything?

Atlas trying to get dadbi modkilled, outted wolf

my problem is that you were being an agent of chaos in a slimy way BEFORE that.

you’re not wrong that your later half of d1 was way townier tho.

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I got every single question right except hte last one, which I lost 7 points on

No idea. Probably a fruit vendor?

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who dis

fwiw i wouldnt take ~that~ from tris as AI. catbae was the one that dragged me tris meuh ari (?) here lol

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a champion of the people

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