FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

shit i lost the game



p sure we are waiting on dum and wazza to check in and everyone else didnt have it

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oh come on owo

I mean idk why they voted me in the first place, that’s a separate question, I just think the reaction to being jumped on for it was real

I softed my super like already, it was post 2341 in thread 1

im gonna slam my forehead on my keyboard
checking who superliked what

who was it on


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i didnt superlike anything yesterday because i


I couldve sworn you were the one I ruled out as being interested in both of the supposed peeks lol

@Kiiruma did you manage to do what you believed to prove yourself

@Frostwolf103 crazy isnt even voting wind at eod? what are you talking about?

me too

Anyway, these are town

I tried to kill sabi by super liking the “superlike if you hate katze” post at sod.

My team sadly did not agree.

my cat is angry because she saw my closet door open but she wasnt allowed in. how do i explain its pride month to her

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alrighty that’s enoguh mafia for the day owo

bye bye owo

Also how do I iso non-frequent posters without having to find a post of theirs? this is typically not an issue for me because every poster is a “frequent poster”