FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

we’re not calling being silly and messing about wolfy now are we…

I forgot about Hippo, holy shit

  1. I have been obscenely towny.

  2. get gud tbh

Not really 95

i was asked if i wanted to ally with someone

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Sooner I have put green/red colored names in my group, sooner I can move on the other group.

Gotta slanktai or gorta gorta

Former: Probably town
Latter: is meme, can die

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i am going to continue to antagonize achro until i think he’s town
i think i’m going to antagonize you too

“Somebody wants to form an alliance! Do you accept?”

this does not sound like magnus said no.


Object to nutella and an slantai

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I am kind of out of the game rn and shouldnt really be leading yet lmao

Just include hippo and leafia on shot lists and do your best

how do you have 97 posts and this is the first one ive seen

Tbf I didn’t care if anyone at all got a check on me, it wasn’t that important to me if people were just gonna use it as an excuse not to read me for my posts

lock g (glaggleland resident)


or that they hadn’t already agreed

Ice cream good

i honk my little horn in delight

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