FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

tbh i still think wolf kiiruma would be aware of how awkward it would be to sr achro rn regardless of achros alignment given the wagons yesterday

Did we win yet

im an ita healer i heal people back to full health

hence me saying im a town doc

who won botc by the way


if I say (real) it is almost always sarcasm

Me, Someone, Meuh


So that was sarcasam?

They’d poisoned so yeah

I dont think so?

is this a night action or a day action nya?

no but i still think achros a villager and if hes not then i trust people (this is probably a mistake) to realize he’s been alive too long and remedy it.

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no reason me for to act n1 when there are no itas d1

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It doesn’t change facts though Jane. I never would’ve stayed on Wind if I was a wolf either.


(also do you think they would really put survivor in a mash)

The voting you with six players from day 1.

pls dont shoot me im making big boy reads now

@Dum i have super like btw? pls

I get what you mean

I think after d2 any sus on Achro isn’t clearing

D1 just feels too early to hard push for Achro’s death



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