FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

i’d like to make an additional request not to shoot jail

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I guess I am fine with Leafia dying

Those are pretty boring poisons though



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Here is the reason, why spf was off-alphabet in the playerlist… (somebody asked it D1, lol)

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FAM 4: Battle for the Cookie Thread Day 2 Votecount

Votes Wagon Voters
1 Marluxion Atlas
1 Italy Stick
1 Artemis Millium
74 Not Voting Achromatic, alexandra, Amelia, an_gorta_slanktai, Apocryphal, Ari, Artemis, Ash, ash4fun, Ashlyn, Baudib1, beancat, benguinedparbecue, Bionic, BradLand, Brakuren, bystander, Cape90, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Creature, Daeron, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, Garfooled, Gocj, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, Italy, JakeTheWolfie, Jane, Jarek, Jinrou, Kanave, katze, Kelsier, Kiiruma, Kork, Leafia, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Luxy, Magnus, Manny, Marluna, Marluxion, May, Memekingpizza, Meuh, neil_the_eel, nutella, pandora, Porscha, Ranta, Sadbi, Selkie, SilverKeith, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, tris, Wazza, WindwardAway, Yawn, Zugzwang
1 Unrecognized jail (for Marl)
Raw VC for the plugin

Marluxion (1): Atlas
Italy (1): Stick
Artemis (1): Millium
Marl (1): jail

Not Voting (74): Achromatic, alexandra, Amelia, an_gorta_slanktai, Apocryphal, Ari, Artemis, Ash, ash4fun, Ashlyn, Baudib1, beancat, benguinedparbecue, Bionic, BradLand, Brakuren, bystander, Cape90, carbonated, CarrotyReaper, ChaosNinjaGaming, crazynuto, Creature, Daeron, Dum, dyachei, ElizaThePsycho, Ephemera, Zone_Q11, Frostwolf103, Garfooled, Gocj, gori, Gorta, Hallia, Hazardwaste, Hehehaha420blazing, Hippopablompoyeetus, Italy, JakeTheWolfie, Jane, Jarek, Jinrou, Kanave, katze, Kelsier, Kiiruma, Kork, Leafia, LittleLee, Lucid_Daydream, Luxy, Magnus, Manny, Marluna, Marluxion, May, Memekingpizza, Meuh, neil_the_eel, nutella, pandora, Porscha, Ranta, Sadbi, Selkie, SilverKeith, SirDerpsAlot, Someone, tris, Wazza, WindwardAway, Yawn, Zugzwang

I’m a new bot, and I made this post. Please forgive any mistakes :confounded:.
If you’re mean to me I WILL cry.

[quote=“Frostwolf103, post:277, topic:8641, full:true”]

That wasn’t me, I don’t know whose ability it is but it looks like it’s been used on Marl today

Is your action public/LOUD?

ngl this sounds like a wolf role lmao

Claim is villy tho

Fair warning if you join, there’s a bunch of irrelevant (but interesting imo) contract bridge analysis in there bc I wanted to annoy the mods for giving me a useless neighborhood.


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@Gocj still feel like killing me with my claim? also considering its wild for a wolf to … not act :joy_cat:


is this abil confirmed then

Bitches didnt believe. My fear was solidified!


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Im sure at least 1 of the poisons came from wolf

sounds like something katze would do tbh

uh i dont think so?

i can also do another thing but i dont feel like claiming it rn
