FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

Anyway I removed Luxy, Hazard and Frostwolf
I’m too lazy to format and fix the numbers

@Millium wanna have a go?

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No more silliness time for the axe.

Explain why you think that post is less likely to come from town annoyed theyre gonna be in shotlist again for 0 reasons

they’re just villagery socially, not lock clear but i’d strongly disapprove the shot

I am null on hippo but if we put him on the shotslist and he flips town marl is the next one added to it

not really, his posting wasn’t so interesting to have a read. he was just hardcore pushing villas tho

probably deserves a shot, but i’d see what he does once he comes back. If he’s a good role he might even bus

another towny cat post even tho i already tr u

wolf would be more fun im mostly waiting for thread to be vaugley manageable enough for me to have some motivation

I mean I wont be shooting but like wat

bro this coconut dr pepper is extremely coconut-y LMAO


yeah that is exactly the read im making lol

i guess im calling you catze now

I saved you mommy

Nobody elected me king, and yet here i am :smiling_face_with_tear:

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forcing me to play more mafia is wolfy

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tell them not to shoot me so I can kiss more boys :(

This part specifically strikes me off

lord please put one of these in my possession pleaseeee…

So you think he’s town or wolf. You and boob know him best mash wise

@Wazza when you received the check did you get it at the start of the night or end?

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