FAM4: Thread 3 - Day 2

The problem with Omgus leafia is that it is not nearly as accurate as you want it to be

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So then what does trislike mean?


my posting is perfect, idk why you guys tlak about bussing

people who think i am powerwolfing miss one single thing

If i was powerwolfing, a villager goes over and you guys are miserable

my aura cant be that bad… shivers


You were trying that was ash and nuto

regardless, you guys can always give me option to shoot a wolf here

i can still find one

He literally kept trying. He has no clout



i wasnt,I wasnt piling on achro

i was wagoning manny

if achro is v and tutuu w, why didnt i pile on achro?

sabi just is kinda bad at logic i think

I already stated my read on achro

which is what?

and your read on achro is?


No, Wednesday is my in office day then I pick kiddo up so I’m relying mainly on katze list but

Meme pizza King

Are two I’d like on there tho

Don’t worry u are my botc buddy, I’ll protect u

can we add nuto?

Ok your reads might be better this day than the last
